Available in Environmental Research Letters:
Albedo of crops as a nature-based climate solution to global warming
Surface albedo can affect the energy budget and subsequently cause localized warming or cooling of the climate. When we convert a substantial portion of lands to agriculture, land surface properties are consequently altered, including albedo. Through crop selection and management, one can increase crop albedo to obtain higher levels of localized cooling effects to mitigate global warming. Still, there is little understanding about how distinctive features of a cropping system may be responsible for elevated albedo and consequently for the cooling potential of cultivated lands. To address this pressing issue, we conducted seasonal measurements of surface reflectivity during five growing seasons on annual crops of corn-soybean–winter wheat (Zea mays L.- Glycine max L. Merrill—Triticum aestivum L.; CSW) rotations at three agronomic intensities, a monoculture of perennial switchgrass, and perennial polycultures of early successional and restored prairie grasslands. We found that crop-species, agronomic intensity, seasonality, and plant phenology had significant effects on albedo. The mean ± SD of albedo was highest in perennial crops of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum; 0.179 ± 0.04), intermediate in early successional crops (0.170 ± 0.04), and lowest in a reduced input corn systems with cover crops (0.154 ± 0.02). The strongest cooling potentials were found in soybean (−0.450 kg CO2e m−2 yr−1) and switchgrass (−0.367 kg CO2e m−2 yr−1), with up to −0.265 kg CO2e m−2 yr−1 of localized climate cooling
annually provided by different agroecosystems. We also demonstrated how diverse ecosystems, leaf canopy, and agronomic practices can affect surface reflectivity and provide another potential nature-based solution for reducing global warming at localized scales.
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Lei, C., Sciusco, P., Chen, J., Robertson, G. P., Lindback, E., Lei, M., Shirkey, G., & Arrocha, I. (Final preparation). Temporal variations of albedo on bioenergy crops: Effects on global warming potential during three cultivation seasons.